Water Quality Map Overview

Water Quality Map Overview Visit Resource

Markers on the map indicate where a sample was taken to determine the presence of harmful algae or algal toxins. Categorical data are described below in greater detail. After clicking on a marker, data for that location will be displayed and an explanation of the information will be provided. The conditions presented on this map are representative of the time and location that the sample was collected.

Water Quality Status Dashboard

Water Quality Status Dashboard Visit Resource

Protecting Florida Together’s water quality status map has been developed to deliver to Florida residents and other interested parties information as it relates to water quality in Florida. This map ensures transparency and accountability with respect to our water quality data and its availability to the public. This tool was designed based on extensive stakeholder interviews that identified key concerns and desired information about water quality.

Water Quality Standards

Water Quality Standards Visit Resource

Surface Water Quality Standards GumSlough-DEP Staff-DEP Monitoing Staff checking out Alligator Springs.jpg With over 50,000 miles of rivers and streams, 7,800 lakesand 4,000 square miles of estuaries, Florida has an abundance of surface waters used for a variety of purposes by the people who live and work here, by those who are visiting, and by the fish and wildlife

Water Quality Assessment Program

Water Quality Assessment Program Visit Resource

One of the department’s goals is to determine the quality of the state’s surface and ground water resources. This is primarily accomplished through several water quality monitoring strategies that are administered through the Water Quality Assessment Program (WQAP). Responsibilities of the program, include monitoring and assessing how water quality is changing over time, the overall water quality and the impairment status of the state’s water resources.

Southwest Florida Water Quality Data

Southwest Florida Water Quality Data Visit Resource

Groundwater Quality Data provide information on existing groundwater quality conditions and water quality trends within the District’s groundwater resources, including springs. They also improve the District’s understanding of groundwater quality concerns, support development of watershed management priorities and plans, and assist in measuring the success of implemented projects, programs and cooperatively funded initiatives.

Florida Health Drinking Water Guide

Florida Health Drinking Water Guide Visit Resource

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

EWG's Tap Water Database

EWG's Tap Water Database Visit Resource

EWG's drinking water quality report for Florida shows results of tests conducted by the water utilities in Florida and provided to EWG by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.